What Are The Best Ways To Manage Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is a very common experience across the world. It is something
Hearing loss is not always a result of a medical or genetic condition. Sometimes, it arises from life and work situations that go unnoticed or unattended. Continuous exposure to loud sounds or noise increases the risk of hearing loss. However, data shows that only eight percent of the United States population takes proactive steps to protect their ears when noise exceeds the accepted decibels.
The problem is that only a few people pay attention to hearing protection. So, if you now see the need to, this guide will provide details into what to look for.
Earmuffs go over the head with protective cups for both ears. In addition to the cushioned cups is the seal, which plays a vital role in the optimal functioning of the device. The seal is responsible for reducing the external environment’s high sound levels. If they are damaged, it would be pointless to use the devices. Without snug and functional seals in both cups, you are offered no protection from dangerously high decibels.
Signs of damaged seals include cracks or visible tears in the material used. These are easier to spot when the material is leather. Sometimes, it is important to check for unusual rigidity in the ear cups at the point of purchase. Moreover, the muffs may become brittle upon touch if they have been exposed to heat in the shop. These are indications of damage and are not worth buying.
The band over your head must have a comfortable tautness that allows you to wear it for hours if need be. A weakened headband means the muff cups will not cover both ears entirely. It also means the seal will fail to perform because the central point of the headband cannot remain stable on your head. An adjustable feature allows you to modify the tautness until the fit feels right. The last thing you want is a shifty headband while wearing earmuffs.
It is, therefore, not advisable to purchase earmuffs with non-adjustable headbands. It is also crucial to look out for unapproved earmuff modifications. This may be done in hopes of making them more fashionable. However, it is not recommended to choose style over standardized safety. Your selection must always be guided by undamaged seals, cushioned materials and an adjustable headband.
These are small tubular ear inserts designed to protect you from external noise. Their primary function is similar to earmuffs. However, the difference is in their design and how they are fitted. Because these are designed to fit within the ears, they must be flexible, squeezable and soft. It enhances your comfort during usage. The manufacturer must get your inner ear measurements right if you order custom-molded earplugs, so keep this in mind.
The best way to get your ear measurements is by booking an appointment with an audiologist. They are the best people to rely on for the ear dimensions needed to mold these plugs. Earplugs are supposed to be soft and pliable because of their insertion style. This allows the wearer to fix them with ease. Squeezing before inserting them into each ear also helps the earplugs mold into the slotted space.
Earplugs can be disposable or non-disposable. Therefore, what you choose must be based on certain decisions and parameters. For example, are you in a position to clean non-disposable earplugs regularly? Secondly, if you have clutter in your home, will these small earplugs be found when needed? If you answered no to these questions, the non-disposable options might be your best bet.
Disposable earplugs are made from memory foam and are intended for one-time use only. On the other hand, reusable options are silicone or rubber based and can be washed in mild detergent. One tip to remember here is that both earplugs must be taken out with clean fingers. If you wear protective gloves during a task, it is recommended to take them off before removing the plugs. This is to avoid transferring germs to your ears and the earplugs, especially if they are reusable ones.
You can book an appointment with our audiologist to check your ears. To learn more about the Hearing & Balance Services of Reston. Call us today at 703-260-6192 for more details about protection for your ears. You audiologist will help make the right decision for you and your hearing needs.
Hearing loss is a very common experience across the world. It is something
Most people don’t give much thought to their ears. They use them
Tinnitus is a buzzing or ringing sound in the ears. Tinnitus is