If you have hearing loss, one of the last things on your mind may be listening to music because it may sound different from what you know. This is usually common, especially when you have untreated hearing loss. It is important to get an assessment from an accredited audiologist and get treatment so you can enjoy music too. Music can affect your mood, bring back memories, connect you with people and improve your hearing. It can stimulate all parts of your brain, whether you have mild or severe hearing loss.

Hearing Aids and Music

Your audiologist can help you choose the right settings for hearing aids so you can enjoy the sounds you have been missing. Listening to music with hearing aids can be tricky because they are created to process speech, not music. However, there are ways to listen to music with your hearing aids.

One of the ways to improve your listening experience with hearing aids is by using a better sound system which will produce a better signal for your hearing aid. You can also turn down the volume on your sound system and turn up the volume of your hearing aid to reduce distortion. Consider aural rehabilitation to help you adjust to new or familiar music.

Listen to Familiar Music

You can rekindle your interest in music again by making music a routine. Incorporate it into your daily tasks or consciously set a time to listen to your favorite playlist. You can sing along to the lyrics of the music you listen to. Listening to familiar sounds will help you identify familiar words in conversation easily.

Write New Words Down

Since music can sound different when experiencing hearing loss, it can be helpful to take notes when listening to it. When you hear new words, write them down and discuss them with your audiologist at your next appointment. The more you do this, the better your music experience will be.

Use Proper Earpieces

Earpieces are made of acrylic and silicone, so it is easy for them to slip out when you are listening to music or moving around. It is essential to get used to the feeling of having them in your ears so you can put them back when they are slipping.

Learn New Skills from Your Audiologist

Your audiologist can significantly contribute to helping you enjoy music again by teaching you new listening, visualization and vocalization skills.

Don’t Give Up

Keep trying to rekindle your interest in music when things are challenging. Work with your audiologist consistently to find better strategies, accessories and settings to better your experience.

How Can Music Strengthen Hearing?

With music therapy or training, you can strengthen your hearing through music. Listening to music again after hearing loss can be uncomfortable, but it is possible to use music to strengthen your hearing.

Improves Your Listening Skills and Perception

You can create a better hearing experience by experimenting with different music. When you listen to a wide variety of music, you can immerse yourself in active listening. The sound from solo instruments can also help you differentiate tones in the music. Doing this improves your ability to perceive rhythm, tone and stress in speech, which helps you to carry on conversations well.

In children, music therapy improves language development and prevents delays in listening and comprehension. Music trains your ears to listen actively and improves your brain’s ability to process sound, helping you to hear better in noisy environments. Also, it helps your brain to rewire itself by adjusting the brain waves in a way that improves hearing skills.

It Helps You to Locate Sounds

You can use music to train your ears to identify where sounds are coming from. You can use a simple listening exercise to achieve this. Start by playing different music from speakers positioned at different places in a room. Close your eyes and try to locate the source of certain words and instrument sounds.

Music Helps You to Develop Auditory Skills

Learning to play a musical instrument can train the nerves in the brain to detect and remember sounds. These auditory skills can improve your ability to hear sound and speech.

Music Enhances Focused Hearing

Listening to music while producing movements like exercising will help you concentrate better and deeper. You can also dance to enhance what you hear.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about how music can strengthen your hearing, or if you have any other questions about you hearing health you can call at 703-260-6192 to learn more about the Hearing & Balance Services of Reston.

Tags: hearing health tips