Receiving your first set of hearing aids is a time of big adjustment, particularly if you’ve been living with hearing loss for a long time before your fitting. There’s a period where you’ll adapt to the new capabilities of your hearing with these assistive devices. Whether it takes a couple weeks or a couple months varies between people.

First-time wearers may find themselves fatigued with the effort needed to cope with the extra information they’re processing with their additional hearing capability. That brings us to the first of the times you should remove your hearing aids.

Take out your hearing aids when hearing gets stressful

Particularly through your adaptation period, take out your hearing aids when you feel overwhelmed. It’s a natural occurrence, especially if your hearing aid correction is substantial.

Of course, you don’t want to remove your hearing aids in situations where you need to hear, but as you may change your work clothes for something more comfortable when you get home, you may want to take your hearing aids out when it’s time to unwind.

When you’re around water

Whether it’s swimming, bathing, or showers, hearing aids aren’t compatible with wet conditions. Those are just the most obvious situations where water and hearing aids don’t mix. If you’re an active person, sweat stemming from physical exertion may also create an overly wet environment.

This should be part of the conversation with your audiologist during the hearing aid design choice. If your activity isn’t compromised with lower hearing levels, you may want to take your hearing aids out then.

At bedtime

There’s nothing wrong with falling asleep while your hearing aids are in. After all, naps happen.

However, as part of your nightly routine, it’s time to develop a “good night” procedure for your hearing aids. Your ears need a chance to dry out, and so do your aids. Open the battery doors to promote airflow. You may even have a special dryer that stores your aids overnight.

During hair care procedures

If you use hairspray or other styling products, it’s best to finish your process before adding hearing aids. As with water, other chemicals can affect the operation of your hearing aids. Do what you can to avoid loading up your hearing aids with these chemicals.

The same is true when you see your stylist. If you have your hair washed or colored before your cut, pull your hearing aids out then, and consider keeping them out until your procedure is done. Stylists may spray your hair with water, if it dries out, or may use hair care products throughout. It only takes a single moment of forgetfulness to damage your hearing aids.

Despite these warnings, today’s hearing aids are robust marvels of miniaturized electronics, and they can handle the rigors of daily life. With greater care, though, you can expect longer, trouble-free service from them.

Living with hearing loss poses health challenges that are wide-ranging. Once you become aware of problems, contact Hearing & Balance Services of Reston by phone or through the appointment tool on their website to schedule a consultation. You’ll be amazed at how much brighter the world can be.